ISSN# 1545-4428 | Published date: 19 April, 2024
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At-A-Glance Session Detail
Unlocking Productivity & Impact in Teaching & Publishing IV
Sunrise Course
ORGANIZERS: Agah Karakuzu, Shin-Lei Peng
Thursday, 09 May 2024
Room 325-326
07:00 -  08:00
Moderators: Karin Shmueli & Binu Thomas
Skill Level: Basic to Advanced
Session Number: S-Th-08
CME Credit

Session Number: S-Th-08

These sunrise sessions share a common theme of empowering participants to boost their productivity and impact for teaching and publishing. Spanning a diverse range of topics, the sessions will delve into improving presentations, utilizing tools like Project Jupyter for dynamic and interactive publications, integrating interactive visualizations, and implementing open-source approaches to laboratory management.

Target Audience
ISMRM trainee members including Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers, Early Career Researchers (ECRs), and Principal Investigators (PIs).

Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
- Demonstrate teaching and presentation skills: enhance your capacity to teach efficiently by improving presentation skills, engaging students more effectively, and discovering online resources for teaching;
- Illustrate enhanced presentation skills: develop techniques to create engaging and impactful presentations that effectively communicate research findings and captivate the audience; and
- Describe the open-source landscape: learning about open-source tools for publishing and laboratory management.

07:00Open Source in Lab Management
Julien Cohen-Adad

Keywords: Transferable skills: Data management, Transferable skills: Reproducible research, Transferable skills: Software engineering

This document explores the advantages of integrating open source software and practices in managing a scientific lab, emphasizing reproducibility and the avoidance of pitfalls. It details practical applications from website management using GitHub Pages to organizing datasets in compliance with BIDS standards,  highlights the importance of continuous testing for data integrity, IT management through Ansible for efficient system configuration, open source software development. The broader goal is to promote transparent, reproducible science by adopting open source tools. This approach not only saves time but exposes students to best practices, enhancing the transparency and reproducibility of scientific research.
07:30 Large Language Models (LLMs) in Research
Efrat Shimron

Keywords: Transferable skills: Responsible research, Transferable skills: Reproducible research, Image acquisition: Reconstruction

This presentation explores the integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT into academic research, highlighting their utility in enhancing research efficiency through tasks such as proofreading, brainstorming, and code writing. It further addresses the ethical use of open web-based datasets, especially in MRI research, emphasizing the importance of responsible data application to avoid bias and "data crimes." Attendees will learn to effectively leverage these digital tools for improved research productivity and impact, balancing innovation with ethical considerations.