From Head to Toe: Fundamentals & Advances in MR Acquisition & Reconstruction I
Sunrise Course
ORGANIZERS: Akshay Chaudhari, Li Feng, Diego Hernando, Khin Tha
Monday, 12 May 2025
07:00 -
Moderators: Gabriela Belsley & Yasutaka Fushimi
Skill Level: Intermediate
Session Number: S-M-03
No CME/CE Credit
Session Number: S-M-03
This course is designed to offer an overview of both basic and advanced data acquisition and image reconstruction techniques for neuro, body, and MSK imaging, as well as their established and emerging clinical applications.
Target Audience
Students, post-doctoral fellows, and researchers interested in acquisition and reconstruction techniques in neuro, body, and MSK imaging, along with their clinical applications.
Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
• Describe the basic acquisition and reconstruction techniques in neuro, body, and MSK imaging;
• Identify more advanced data acquisition and image reconstruction techniques in these applications; and
• Explore established and emerging clinical applications of these acquisition and reconstruction techniques.
07:00 | | Aloha to the Fundamentals of Brain MRI: Sequences, Protocols & Imaging Techniques Johan Berglund Keywords: Image acquisition: Sequences, Neuro: Brain The lecture will proceed from a typical routine brain MRI protocol at a university hospital. In the example protocol, five different image series with different contrasts and pulse sequences are acquired at a 3T scanner: - T2-weighted 2D fast spin echo
- T2-FLAIR 3D fast spin echo
- T1-weighted 3D magnetization prepared spoiled gradient echo
- SWI 3D spoiled gradient echo
- DWI 2D spin echo planar imaging
These five acquisitions will be reviewed in terms of their clinical purpose and method of acquisition and reconstruction. |
07:20 | | Surfing the Wave of Innovation in Brain MRI: Cutting-Edge Techniques in Acquisition, Reconstruction & Quantitative Imaging Janine Lupo |
07:40 | | Tropical Frontiers in Brain MRI: Clinical Applications & Emerging Biomarkers Yangsean Choi |