At-A-Glance Session Detail
Now, in Some Time or Never: Is This Ready To Go Clinical? The Need for Speed
Sunrise Course
ORGANIZERS: Seung Hong Choi, Harpreet Hyare, Christin Sander, Katharina Schregel, Wietske van der Zwaag
Monday, 12 May 2025
310 (Lili-u Theater)
07:00 -  08:00
Moderators: Chungseok Oh & Ziwei Zhao
Skill Level: Basic to Intermediate
Session Number: S-M-05
No CME/CE Credit

Session Number: S-M-05

Advanced MRI methods to assess neurofluid flow and dynamics or proteins and metabolites are emerging and scientifically well investigated. Moreover, techniques to dramatically speed up image acquisition were developed. However, are these scientific achievements ready for the clinical routine? Which advancement is really needed for patient care? Will a novel technique make the clinician's life easier or just more complicated?

Target Audience
Advanced MRI methods to assess neurofluid flow and dynamics or proteins and metabolites are emerging and scientifically well investigated. Moreover, techniques to dramatically speed up image acquisition were developed. However, are these scientific achievements ready for the clinical routine? Which advancement is really needed for patient care? Will a novel technique make the clinician's life easier or just more complicated?

Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
• Describe methods to image neurofluids;
• Identify fast imaging techniques that are applicable in the clinical routine; and
• Interpret the results from CEST-imaging in the context of brain diseases.

07:00 Need for Speed: A Guide to the Neuroradiology Autobahn
Julien Savatovsky
07:30 Need for Speed: How to Accelerate
Seungwook Yang