At-A-Glance Session Detail
Why Didn’t My Pulse Sequence Work?
Sunrise Course
ORGANIZERS: Doug Kelley, Najat Salameh, Andrew Webb
Monday, 12 May 2025
07:00 -  08:00
Moderators: Chloé Najac
Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Session Number: S-M-06
No CME/CE Credit

Session Number: S-M-06

Developing a new sequence is more complex than the theory says. Not only it requires to program sequences and make sure the hardware executes the command, but image reconstruction comes with its challenges too, as well as the biology response to advanced imaging schemes. Building on the weekend Physics and Engfineering courses, this session will dive into RF pulses and their misbehavior.

Target Audience
Scientists and engineers wishing to develop new sequences.

Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
• Describe how RF and gradient issues can interfere with sequence programming;
• Describe how reconstruction pipelines can impact the outcome; and
• Describe how physiology can play tricks when exposed to an MR sequence.

07:00 RF Issues & Gradient Issues (Sequences & Hardware)
Bastien Guerin
07:20 Reconstruction Issues
Nan Wang
07:40 Biological issues from MRI acquisitions and clinical environment: patient safety and MRI artifacts
Hana Lahrech

Keywords: Image acquisition: Artefacts, Physics & Engineering: Gradient & B0 Safety, Transferable skills: Safety

MRI use external magnetic fields (B0) coupled to magnetic gradients (G) and radiofrequency (RF) pulses to visualize pixelwise the structures and functions of living tissues in vivo. It generates a complex NMR signal that depends on extrinsic and intrinsic parameters: from B0, G and RF sequences and tissue characteristics, respectively. Here, we will discuss the biological issues that can rise from the properties and the design of B0, G and RF sequences and also from the electromagnetic environment, underlying patient safety and image artifacts. The causes, types and the solutions of common biological issues will be detailed.