At-A-Glance Session Detail
Now, in Some Time or Never: Is This Ready To Go Clinical? Metabolic imaging
Sunrise Course
ORGANIZERS: Seung Hong Choi, Harpreet Hyare, Katharina Schregel, Christin Sander, Wietske van der Zwaag
Wednesday, 14 May 2025
310 (Lili-u Theater)
07:00 -  08:00
Moderators: Christian Farrar & Kianush Karimian-Jazi
Skill Level: Basic to Intermediate
Session Number: S-W-05
No CME/CE Credit

Session Number: S-W-05

Advanced MRI methods to assess neurofluid flow and dynamics or proteins and metabolites are emerging and scientifically well investigated. Moreover, techniques to dramatically speed up image acquisition were developed. However, are these scientific achievements ready for the clinical routine? Which advancement is really needed for patient care? Will a novel technique make the clinician's life easier or just more complicated?

Target Audience
Neuroscientists, neuroradiologists, clinicians who currently explore new MRI techniques, and MR physicists and engineers developing new MRI methodologies.
Clinicians in search of a solution to a specific clinical problem, scientists that want to know if a specific application is transferable to the clinical routine soon, in the hopefully near future or at all.

Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
• Describe methods to image neurofluids;
• Identify fast imaging techniques that are applicable in the clinical routine; and
• Interpret the results from CEST-imaging in the context of brain diseases.

07:00 CEST, Fingerprints & Other Hints on Metabolites
Ouri Cohen

Keywords: Contrast mechanisms: CEST & MT, Image acquisition: Machine learning, Image acquisition: Quantification

CEST MRI is an innovative molecular imaging technique that enhances sensitivity for metabolic imaging by leveraging the exchange of protons with bulk water. Conventional CEST, however, faces challenges such as prolonged scan times, complex post-processing, and semi-qualitative signals. To address these limitations, MR fingerprinting-based techniques have been developed. This lecture will explore the challenges associated with traditional CEST imaging and present methods that enable quantitative CEST imaging within shorter scan times. Additionally, recent advancements in the acquisition, reconstruction, and quantification of CEST-MRF data will be discussed, along with their applications in clinical contexts.
07:30 Should CEST Be Added to Routine Imaging Protocols?
Daniel Paech