At-A-Glance Session Detail
Follow Your Heart or Your Brain?
Weekday Course
ORGANIZERS: Kevin Chan, Christopher Nguyen, Allen Song, Leon Janse van Rensburg, Wietske van der Zwaag
Tuesday, 13 May 2025
08:15 -  10:15
Moderators: Russell Chan & Stephan Kaczmarz
Skill Level: Basic to Advanced
Session Number: Tu-01
No CME/CE Credit

Session Number: Tu-01

This course is designed to inform the community on the emerging MRI research to better understand the heart-brain connection. While it has long been known that heart and brain are connected in many ways (e. g. through the circulation system), the emotion-based heart-brain connection has gained increased attention in recent years. Through these lectures, it is hoped that audience will have a better understanding of the impact of neurological disorders on cardiovascular health, and vice versa.

Target Audience
Neuroscientist, radiologist, neurologist, cardiologist, anesthesiologist, and students in related areas.

Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
• Describe the basic concept of heart-brain connection;
• Explain the effect of neurological disorders on cardiovascular health; and
• Describe the effect of cardiovascular disorders on neural functions.

08:45 Effect of Neurological Disorders on Cardiovascular Functions
Sang Eun Lee

Keywords: Cardiovascular: Cardiac function

The brain–heart interaction is a critical physiological axis disrupted by neurological disorders such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis, leading to autonomic dysfunction, arrhythmias, and blood pressure instability. Advanced MRI techniques, including Diffusion Tensor Imaging and functional MRI, provide insights into these connections. However, clinical translation remains challenging due to technical limitations and variability. This talk will explore established brain-heart mechanisms, remaining research hurdles, and potential strategies to address them.
09:15 Effect of Cardiovascular Disorders on Neurological Functions
09:45 Neural Correlates of Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Zhongming Liu
10:15 Introduction to the Heart-Brain Axis
Blaise Frederick