At-A-Glance Session Detail
Exploring MR Acquisition & Reconstruction: Can We Trust AI as Our Tourist Guide?
Weekend Course
ORGANIZERS: HyungJoon Cho, Tolga Cukur, Rita Nunes, Uten Yarach
Sunday, 11 May 2025
07:45 -  11:45
Moderators: Onat Dalmaz & Efrat Shimron
Skill Level: Basic to Advanced
Session Number: WE-21
CME Credit

Session Number: WE-21

The course will start with basic introductions to the reconstruction of accelerated MRI acquisitions and AI methods. The session will then cover emerging methods for MR acquisition and reconstruction. Finally, trustworthiness issues and the steps required for clinical translation will be discussed.

Target Audience
MR physicists and clinicians who are interested in the development and deployment of novel AI techniques for MR image acquisition and reconstruction.

Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
• List the basics of MRI acquisition and reconstruction;
• Describe state-of-the-art AI techniques for pulse sequence design and reconstruction;
• Describe explanation and validation approaches to build trust in AI tools; and
• Discuss clinical considerations in deploying AI in radiology practice.

07:45 The Need for Speed: Accelerated MRI Acquisition & Reconstruction
Patricia Johnson
08:15 Fundamentals of AI Models
DoSik Hwang
08:45 Emerging AI Methods for Pulse Sequence Design
Matthias Günther

Keywords: Physics & Engineering: Physics

Artificial intelligence is pushing the limits in almost all fields, also affecting the way how MR imaging is approached. This also includes the MR pulse sequence programming, even though it is not well established in that field. This presentation explores how AI is revolutionizing the design, optimization, and validation of MR pulse sequences. The talk addresses mainly the technical innovations in deep learning, reinforcement learning, and generative models and will shortly comment of the practical considerations of trust, interpretability, and regulatory compliance in clinical applications.
09:15 Break & Meet the Teachers
09:45 Emerging AI Methods for Image Recon
Philippe Ciuciu
10:45 Translation of AI Technology to Clinical Radiology
Dania Daye