The Best of Two Worlds: Physics & Engineering III: Advanced Methods
Weekend Course
ORGANIZERS: Shao Huang, Ozlem Ipek, Najat Salameh, Rolf Schulte, Xiaoliang Zhang
Sunday, 11 May 2025
310 (Lili-u Theater)
07:45 -
Moderators: Fangrong Zong
Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Session Number: WE-22
No CME/CE Credit
Session Number: WE-22
Advanced NMR and MRI principles linking the physics principles with the engineering requirements/needs and across magnetic field strengths.
This third part follows Part 2 and will include 8 lectures, 1 meet the teachers session, and 1 discussion at the end. The session will be built as follows:
1- System sanity: measuring SNR (characterizing each element in the receive chain)
2- MR Spectroscopy
3- X-nuclei RF coils
4- Quantitative imaging (relaxometry, recap on basics + advanced methods)
5- Meet the teachers
6- Sparce k-space acquisition & reconstruction (non linear etc)
7- Advanced coils - dielectric, B1 mapping techniques
8- Advanced sequences: ZTE, UTE, SWIFT, simultaneous Tx/Rx
9- Discussion
Target Audience
Physicists and Engineers.
Educational Objectives
As a result of attending this course, participants should be able to:
• Describe spatial encoding and how to navigate through k-space;
• Explain how to accelerate scans; and
• Describe the acquisition chain.
07:45 | | System Sanity: Measuring SNR (Characterizing Each Element in the Receive Chain) Xiao Dan |
08:10 | | MR Spectroscopy Mor Mishkovsky Keywords: Contrast mechanisms: Molecular imaging, Contrast mechanisms: Spectroscopy, Contrast mechanisms: Hyperpolarization Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) provides powerful insights into metabolism, complementing MR imaging techniques. This talk will introduce the fundamental principles of thermally polarized and hyperpolarized MRS, highlighting their applications in metabolic quantification. We will explore various methodological approaches, examine their clinical and research applications, and highlight how different techniques provide unique perspectives on the same biochemical processes. |
08:35 | | X-Nuclei RF Coils Dennis Klomp |
09:00 | | Quantitative Imaging (Relaxometry, Recap on Basics + Advanced methods) Nicole Seiberlich |
09:25 | | Break & Meet the Teachers |
09:55 | | Sparse k-Space Acquisition & Reconstruction (Non Linear etc.) Mariya Doneva Keywords: Image acquisition: Sequences, Image acquisition: Fast imaging This lecture will introduce the basics of sparse k-space acquisition and reconstruction techniques and their application to fast MRI. It will cover the main concepts of using prior knowledge in non-linear reconstruction approaches like compressed sensing or AI-based reconstruction and discuss some of the challenges of these techniques. |
10:20 | | Passive Radiofrequency Field Correction: Methods & Device Characterization Wyger Brink |
10:45 | | Advanced Sequences for short-T2 imaging: ZTE, UTE, SWIFT and others Joseba Alonso Keywords: Image acquisition: Sequences, Physics & Engineering: Pulse design This lecture is an introduction to the challenges and potential solutions to magnetic resonance imaging of tissues or samples with T2 dephasing so fast that the echo amplitudes from regular Spin or Gradient Echo (SE/GE) sequences are impractical. This is the case with hard biological tissues such as tendons, cortical bone or teeth, as well as in lung or myelin imaging. We will revise pros, cons, applications and extensions of families of sequences including Single Point Imaging (SPI), Ultra-short Echo Time (UTE), Zero Echo Time (ZTE), Sweep Imaging with Fourier Transform (SWIFT) and Simultaneous Transmit And Receive (STAR). |
11:10 | | Panel Discussion and Q&A |