Digital Poster Session - Thermometry
Contrast Mechanisms Exhibition Halls D/E
Thursday, 08 June 2023 13:45 - 14:45
Validation of an MR Thermometry Motion Compensation Algorithm for Periodic Motion During MR guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (MRgHIFU)
Suzanne M Wong1,2, Craig A Macsemchuk1,2, Andrew Headrick1, Phoebe Luo1, Arthur Akbulatov1, James M Drake1,2, and Adam C Waspe1,3
1Posluns Centre for Image Guided Innovation & Therapeutic Interventions, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 3Department of Medical Imaging, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
A hybrid principal component analysis and projection onto dipole fields motion compensation algorithm for MR thermometry removed motion artifacts and reduced temperature uncertainty to <1°C during controlled periodic motion.
Figure 1: Experimental set-up. The robot positioner arm attaches to the top of the gelatin phantom on the MRgHIFU table. MRI coil is secured above the positioner and phantom while not obstructing the motion.
Figure 2: T1-weighted MRIs with thermometry overlaid during motion. A-C: No Heating, D-F: MRgHIFU administers hyperthermia. A) and D) Original subtraction thermometry, B) and E) Retrospective PCA-PDF, C) and F) Real-time PCA-PDF.