Current time at conference location: 9:22 pm ET
The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is NASA's next flagship mission in astrophysics. The Roman Project Infrastructure Teams (PITs) develop and maintain the infrastructural tools and capabilities needed to address the mission objectives and to support community science collaborations, in close collaboration with the Roman project and partnering with the Roman Science Centers at IPAC and STScI. At this splinter meeting, the Roman PITs will present detailed work plans and deliverables. This will inform the community about the tools being developed by the PITs for Roman science, and enable the PITs to benefit from community input.

The Roman PITs competitively selected by NASA are: "Cosmology with the Roman High Latitude Imaging Survey", "Project Infrastructure for the Roman Galaxy Redshift Survey", "A Roman Project Infrastructure Team to Support Cosmological Measurements with Type Ia Supernovae", "The Roman Galactic Exoplanet Survey Project Infrastructure Team", and "RAPID: Roman Alerts Promptly from Image Differencing."

RAPID: Roman Alerts Promptly from Image Differencing

10:00 AM ET - 10:30 AM ET
Mansi Kasliwal, California Institute of Technology.