Current time at conference location:
In-person Session Chair 1
Jacob Kegerreis
In-person Session Chair 2
Christine Shupla

Planetary ReaCH: Strategies for Supporting Planetary Scientists in Engagement Activities with Black and Latinx Youth and Families

10:28 AM MT - 10:36 AM MT
Program Number: 112.02
S. Buxner, Planetary Science Institute; A. Shaner, Lunar and Planetary Institute; A. Matiella Novak, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab; K. Lynch, NASA Headquarters; C. Shupla, Lunar & Planetary Institute; K. Schenkel, San Diego State University; E. Rivera-Valentin, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory; J. LeMer, Northern Arizona University; L. Hare, Northern Arizona University; J. King, McREL International; D. Kriescher, McREL International; A. Merkel, University of Colorado - LASP; Planetary ReaCH Team.