ISSN# 1545-4428 | Published date: 19 April, 2024
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Monday, 06 May 2024 | 08:15 - 09:15
Session Title
Pitch: Stroke
Moderator 2
Ona Wu
Dynamic evolution of infarct volumes at MRI in ischemic stroke due to large vessel occlusion
08:15 - 08:15
Program Number:
F. Munsch
University of Bordeaux
D. Planes
CHU de Bordeaux
H. Fukutomi
Kyoto University Hospital
T. Courret
CHU de Bordeaux
E. Micard
University of Nancy
B. Chen
University of Nancy
P. Seners
Institut de Psychiatrie et Neurosciences de Paris
G. Marnat
CHU de Bordeaux
V. Planche
University of Bordeaux
P. Coupé
University of Bordeaux
V. Dousset
CHU de Bordeaux
B. Lapergue
Hôpital FOCH
J-M Olivot
CHU de Toulouse
I. Sibon
CHU de Bordeaux
M. Thiebault de Schotten
University of Bordeaux
T. Tourdias
CHU de Bordeaux
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